Formulary Management
and Design
Trailblazers in Formulary Management
Helping our partners understand the value of driving a clinically appropriate formulary.
Through clinically-sound formularies, pharmacy-centric benefit designs, and real-time management, we’re empowering cost savings and improved clinical outcomes.
- Formulary Designs Specific to Your Business
- Enhance Overall Cost Containment
- Management of High-Cost and High-Utilization Therapeutic Categories

For Pharmacies
For Facilities
Collaborate with long-term care pharmacies and their staff to implement clinically-sound formulary management protocols, streamline medication approvals, and facilitate provider approvals for therapeutic interchanges, resulting in improved patient outcomes and cost savings.
Benefit Designs
We design a clinically appropriate formulary that favorably places the manufacturer’s drug relative to competing products to help lower costs
- Days Supply Limitations
- Quantity Limits
- High-Cost Thresholds
- Refill Thresholds
- Facility-level management
Real-Time Adjudication
Providing formulary management at the point of sale through our real-time adjudication platform.
Customizable Edits
- National Drug Code (NDC) Exclusions
- Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) Management
- Pricing Validation
- Custom Formularies