Lower LTC Drug Costs & Improve Resident Care
LithiaRX provides sustainable LTC pharmacy benefit designs, formulary management and real-time adjudication designed to improve clinical outcomes and drive post-acute savings for all long-term care stakeholders.
A Trusted Partner
from the Beginning
Nothing should get in the way of providing outstanding resident care. A collaborative relationship with your LTC pharmacy makes this possible. With over 150 years of combined industry experience, our experts understand the value of rebate management and real-time adjudication.
Real-Time Adjudication
Our real-time adjudication system, uniquely designed for long-term care, works seamlessly with your LTC pharmacy software to ensure there is no impact to resident care.
Relentless Client Focus
Built by deeply experienced experts, our team delivers a turnkey program that guarantees the integrity of claims data so you can focus on what matters most: your residents.
Formulary Management
We are setting the standard for formulary management solutions. Our skilled nursing facility-specific formulary designs help drive a win-win solution to all post-acute providers.
How LithiaRX Can Help You
Driving Industry Collaboration
A productive relationship between LTC pharmacies and skilled nursing facilities is critical in delivering high-quality patient care. Our model facilitates collaboration and transparency around Medicare Part A rebates to holistically lower your net drug costs.
What They Say
“LithiaRX has all the characteristics I look for in a partner. They were the original adopters of online adjudication. The team is loyal and honest. They look out for our best interest, and they carry a large amount of intellectual capital, which has allowed us to drive value down to our skilled nursing customers.”
Kevin Fearon; Absolute Pharmacy, Inc.
Chief Operating Officer
Enhanced Platform
Built with the LTC pharmacy in mind, our enhanced platform offers detailed reporting and actionable insights designed to optimize the operations of your skilled nursing facility, drive downstream savings to your customers and empower you to compete head-to-head in a challenging marketplace.